Dear website visitors...
On 19th and 20th August, Indian Futures took part in the Brunswick Festival, two days of intense experiences, fantastic bands, stalls and, of course all the lovely visitors who came to see our stall and donated a total of £323.70! As you can imagine, we're absolutely delighted with the success of our stall and would like to thank all those lovely beings that made it a reality.
Between Patchfest and Brunswick, we nearly have £500 that we'll put towards the first computers for Laia Foundation's after-school support centres.
Thanks to everyone involved, we can now start our IT pilot project in Vedanthangal, South India (to read more about this project, please go to our WHAT we do section on the top bar).
Here are a few pics of those memorable couple of days at Brunswick Fest...
The festival...
Our stall...
Our little Indian Futurists...
Our Carrom and lucky dip, for both little and not so little ones...
We hope to see you all again soon, this time at the Windmill for a bit of pub quiz fun!
We'll all be there on the 28th from 8pm.
The Indian Futures Team