I cannot believe it's been nearly a year since we left for Vedanthangal. The memories are still so vivid, so fresh on my mind, like I was there yesterday, running activities at the after-school centres, the Skype exchange between the students in Kanjanur and Barcelona, the discussions on the IT project that's now well underway...
And, among all the work done, the visits to all the old friends, the families that compose our little harmonious Vedanthangal. Our home very far away from home...
In an attempt to collect all those memories, our friend Sarah has very kindly (and creatively!) put together all the videos we took during our stay. I cannot explain how much work has gone towards it. Sarah's basically turned quite poorly filmed home videos into a work of art that expresses so truthfully the experiences we lived during that month.
Today, finally, we can share it with you.
We hope you enjoy it, as much as we enjoyed every second of our lives there.