Indian Futures helped to fund Covid19 Relief Supportkit
Cultural exchange probram between India, Spain and the Uk!
We fundraseid for flooring and tiling the nursery school in Vedanthangal.
Interviewing Our Inspiring Women who contributed to Indian Futures.
If you want to find out more about the project, please click the name of each project.
Covid19 Relief
As India’s COVID crisis continues to devastate the country and peoples lives
- especially vulnerable communities within India.
#indianfutures is raising money to help local communities and officials cope with and prevent the pandemic.

Our COVID aid campaigning paid off and the Vedanthangal area have received their COVID-19 RELIEF SUPPORT KIT from Indian Futures in collaboration with Vallalar Educational Trust. Including much needed PPE and Oxygen machines.
The material has been distributed to three medical centres in the district of Villupuram (Tamil Nadu state): Mundiyambakkam General Hospital, Koliyanur Primary Health Centre and Siruvanthadu Primary Health Centre. Indians love holding a ceremony at the start of every new project -a mix of excitement and superstition- which is where the photos were taken. Two of the ceremonies were attended by 2 government MPs.
We thank you all for your help and we ask you to continue to donate via our the link to help India, specifically our focused region of Tamil Nadu to tackle and recover from COVID-19.

Future Communities
Thanks to the creation of our IT Community Centres, we set up Future Communities. We used the centre we'd created at Vallalar Educational Trust to connect these students with their counterparts around the world.
Partnering with la Lacuna Primary School in Barcelona a project was formed to bring the two schools together by creating models of their village or town. After some teething problems the children connected by a Skype video call and presented their projects.
The excitement in the room was wonderful to see and the children thoroughly enjoyed the experience!
Starting in January 2020, with more time to devote to the project, Anna and Tom are running a similar project. This time the Skype calls are between the Vinayaganallur tuition centre and St Lukes Primary School in Brighton.
Before leaving for India we visited St Lukes to ask Year 3 if they would like to get involved in Future Communities, this request was met with an enthusiastic yes! Spurred on by this reaction we met with the students at Vinayaganallur and the enthusiasm was matched!
Now, each group is currently preparing for the first exchange on 28th January. Here they will showcase drawings and pictures of their houses and schools, maps and diagrams of their local area and a few surprised thrown in!
Watch this space for more info on how it progresses..
Our aim is to bring children from different backgrounds closer together.
Nursery school refurbishment
Meanwhile, in Vedanthangal, the Nursery School was in need of refurbishment.
At the end of 2019 we raised enough funds to paint the whole building. New murals made by local artists adorn the front of the building. Inside there are now paintings of animals, fruit and vegetables, Tamil cartoons, the Tamil and English alphabets...
These paintings take inspiration from the colourful classrooms of an AID India funded school ( that the Indian Futures team had the pleasure to visit in 2019. The objective was to create an atmosphere that inspired learning and where different didactic tools could be used.
Thanks to the generosity of our supporters and friends, before leaving Vedandathangal in March 2020 we were able to cover the refurbishment costs of the nursery school floor which was full of holes that made learning more difficult and also put children's health at risk. It's worth reminding that in India, and specially in rural areas, people use their hands to eat with. Hence the need to create spaces that are as hygienic as possible.
The next step will be to buy tables and chairs for the nursery school.
In particular, we need
10 rectangular tables (each costing about £50) and 50 chairs (each about £10).
If you wish to make a donation, please click on the 'donate' button at the top of the page and tell us
how you want us to spend it.